How to Explain Git Vs Github to Your Mom

How to Explain Git Vs Github to Your Mom

In 60 Seconds


2 min read

Git is a DevOps tool for managing source code. It is a free and open-source version control system used to efficiently manage small to very large projects. Git is a version control system that allows multiple developers to collaborate on non-linear development by tracking changes in the source code.

GitHub is a cloud-hosted service that allows you to manage Git repositories. If you have open-source projects that use Git, GitHub can help you manage them better. Essentially GitHub is a tool which integrate with Git.

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Let's extrapolate this a little further. Git is essentially a software, it can be used without Github in its entirety however the latter can not be true for Github. Github is a hosting service for Git repositories.

Git is a version control system to manage source code history which is maintained by Linux and it is installed locally on the system.

Github is hosted on the web, it is maintained by Microsoft.

Git has no user management feature and only minimal external tool configuration whilst Github has a built-in user management feature and a active marketplace for tool integration.

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There are numerous GitHub alternatives, including GitLab, BitBucket, and "host-your-own" solutions. All of these are referred to as "remotes" in git-speak and are entirely optional. A remote is not required to use git, but it will make sharing your code with others easier.

Thanks for reading through this quick guide, now even your mom can understand the difference between Git and Github! Hooray 🥳